Meditation Resources

We have collected resources for a variety of meditation and stress reduction practices to support you in a balanced life. Please enjoy this growing resource and return often to explore the expanding selection.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Scott MacGregor, MS, LPC, CFLE, a local Asheville MBSR teacher, offers a series of 3 practices from the MBSR curriculum. These guided meditations are shared with permission as an offering to the community but are only a part of the complete MBSR Course Curriculum. To find out more please visit:
1.) MBSR Body Scan Meditation

2.) MBSR Sitting Meditation Practice

3.) MBSR Mindful Yoga Practice

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center‘s mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society. To do so they have provided a range of free Meditation Recordings. These resources are linked below and can be downloaded from their website.
1.) Breathing Meditation (5 minutes)

2.) Breath, Sound, Body Meditation (12 minutes)

3.) Complete Meditation Instructions (19 minutes)

4.) Meditation for working with difficulties (7 minutes)

5.) Loving Kindness Meditation (9 minutes)

6.) Body and Sound Meditation (3 minutes)

7.) Body Scan Meditation (3 minutes)

8.) Body Scan for Sleep (13 minutes)

UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness

The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness has prepared a number of practices that are available through their website in MP3 format.