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“Teens, Screens, and Drugs: What to Know and How to Start the Conversation” with Beth Hockman, M.S. and Kriya Lendzion, LCMHC, LCAS, CPS

Wrong Way River Lodge

The pandemic has dramatically changed our children’s relationship to screens, and pandemic-related stresses have led to an increase in substance use among kids. In response, Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville is hosting a panel discussion with two local experts on parenting and addiction. This discussion will help parents who are: Tired of battling with their […]


Event Series Qigong with Lara Ferguson Diaz, L.Ac.

Qigong with Lara Ferguson Diaz, L.Ac.

May–September, as weather permits, Qigong class is held outside at the park on the corner of Charlotte St. and Macon St., adjacent to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Otherwise, class it at Budo Mountain Martial Arts at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 207

Classes are taught by Lara Ferguson Diaz, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M. (NCCAOM) who also offers acupuncture at Suite 20, adjacent to the main Integrative Family Medicine clinic.

Heart Centered Meditation with Dr. Aneela Cox


Looking to experience less stress and more peace in your day-to-day life? In many spiritual practices, the heart center is a key to diving into deeper states of consciousness. The heart-centered meditation (HCM) is different from most meditation practices (mindfulness based, Zen meditations, etc.) in that it uses four attributes–compassion, innate harmony, healing presence and […]