An interview with our health coach, Ariana Figueroa, and Dr. Will Hamilton that focused on strategies we can use to navigate pandemic fatigue. From learning what highly resilient individuals tend to do in hard situations to specific recommendations on how to shift into a healthier physical state, this interview offers a range of actionable steps we can all take to support ourselves, and one another.
Will Hamilton received his PhD in clinical psychology from Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in Palo Alto, California in 2009. Dr. Hamilton’s focused heavily on neuropsychology. Most of his clinical training in graduate school was with veterans suffering from trauma and brain injuries, as well as older veterans. Dr. Hamilton’s postdoctoral work was at Kaiser Health’s Chronic Pain Management Program in San Francisco, California. He has a lot of familiarity helping individuals with complex health issues, migraines, and ongoing pain. Licensed to practice in North Carolina since 2011, Dr. Hamilton has been in private practice since 2013 — based in Asheville, NC. To learn more, please visit his website at
Below is an excerpt from the full length interview, in which Dr. Hamilton guides us through a visualization exercise: “Meeting our future compassionate self.”
A second excerpt from our interview with Dr. Hamilton, in which he breaks down simple strategies for dealing with pandemic fatigue.