Plant Profile: Wood Betony

Plant Profile: Wood Betony

Plant Profile: Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis) from Herbalist Erin Smith Wood Betony (also known as Hedge Nettle) was long revered throughout ancient Europe for its healing and magical properties.  Thought of as a powerful panacea, it was the most prized medicinal...
Plant Profile: Mallow

Plant Profile: Mallow

Mallow: The Wild Green Everyone Should Be Eating from Herbalist Erin Smith I’m a huge proponent of the “eat your weeds” revolution and one of the first “weedy” plants to arrive in spring is mallow (Malva neglecta and other species).  There are more than 30 species of...
Plant Profile: Cinnamon

Plant Profile: Cinnamon

Plant Profile: Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) from Herbalist Erin Smith This time of year cinnamon is everywhere. The good news is it has wonderful health benefits – so no guilt about this holiday ingredient! Cinnamon is the inner bark of small evergreen trees native to...
Cranberry Goji Sauce

Cranberry Goji Sauce

Cranberry Goji Sauce from Herbalist Erin Smith As many of you know, I love to use herbs in the kitchen.  Here’s a new take on a holiday favorite with the delicious addition of Goji berries (Lycium spp.). Goji berries are a wonderful adaptogen, helping to increase our...
Three Herbs for Winter Health

Three Herbs for Winter Health

Three Herbs for Winter Health from Herbalist Erin Smith No matter how much you love winter, no one likes the colds, flu, and respiratory infections that often accompany it. Herbs can be a great support and help you get through the season of sniffles. Here are three...